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Migraine headache relief

Migraine Relief

It’s been a while since my last posting about migraine relief, but the reason for that is  there is nothing to post.

I am still taking my migraine treatment every day and my migraines are staying away completely. What it feels like living without migraines? I feel great.

Me and my wife live in the UK and here in the UK on weekends are  lots of flea markets (called car boot sales here) The trunk of the car called “boot”  for some reason in Britain. We go to these as we buy old antique stuff and some other stuff and we  sell them on the internet for good money.

Anyway. These past couple of weekends the weather was really nice and very warm by British standards. We’ have  had it as high as 78 degrees. Very unusual here.

The crowd, the noise, the dust and the constant stepping around people are not for a migraine sufferer. I am sure if you are a sufferer you know what I mean. I mean if you want to look at something 2 steps away from you, by the time you get to it, 3 people stepped in front of you and multiply this by a thousand times by the time you get to the end of the day.

Factor in the dust, the warm weather, the sun in your eyes, the noise and the hunger that develops during the day. Serious, last for days migraine is guaranteed to have.

But not for me. I don’t have to be afraid any more. It’s been like this since the fall of 2007. I remember going to these flea markets before I started on this migraine relief , I always had terrible migraines lasting for  days, by the time the day was finished. I could feel the signs as soon as we’d started out from home.  Anticipating the crowd, the noise, the smells and constantly stepping around people.

Hmmm. Shivering just thinking about those days.