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Just migraine

Nothing is curing my migraine

In reference to the search term “nothing is curing my migraine”, all I can say is, I was thinking the same thing until I stumbled upon this real migraine treatment. Not the junk I used to spend at least a $100-$150 per month or more. The so called migraine medications.

What to eat when having a migraine

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When I was having a migraine attack I always craved salty or sweet foods. I just had to have food with taste in it. Not really spicy but someting that had strong flavor.

The end of migraine test

On Saturday I woke up with a headache and regardless of taking 2 Paracetamol pain killers in the morning I had to go to sleep around mid day. I awoke about 4 hours later and still had my headache so I took another 2 tablets of Paracetamol pain killer and by the evening my headache has stopped.

The holiday migraines are on the way

Since I was able to stop my migraines I am a new person. I am looking forward to events and activities and holidays. I still shudder of the memories of my bad bad headaches that was exacerbated by the oncoming of the holidays. Shopping malls, crowd, stores, selecting the presents, pressure and stress, anxiety.

New migraine test

There is no question about that this migraine treatment is working great. The question is whether it’s lasting after so many years of using it, or is it still recurring when the treatment is stopped. There is no cure exist for migraines as of yet, only treatments such as this. But while most of them don’t work, this seems to be working just fine.

Migraine and Medicine Headache

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The result was overdosing, leading to medicine headache on top of our migraines. We traded the single migraine headache for a double headache. That let us forget our migraines because now we concentrated on our medicine headache as that one made us more nauseous and made us fell like dying.

How to Stop Migraines

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Just about every migraine sufferer have the same common triggers. Stress, food, excitement, unexpected events, going to an event, meeting with strangers, going to places where there is noise, anticipation like, -who

What is a migraine ?

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I had been busy today and really hungry and was walking all day out on the sun and among a crowd of people and I am not worried at all. I know I am not going to have the migraine. I am taking my treatment every day.