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migraine relief

Migraine is killing me

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It’s been a few years now since I’ve started this website and blog as the result of a fantastic find that stopped my daily migraines.

Migraine headache relief

I am still taking my migraine treatment every day and my migraines are staying away completely. What it feels like living without migraines? I feel great

What to eat when having a migraine

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When I was having a migraine attack I always craved salty or sweet foods. I just had to have food with taste in it. Not really spicy but someting that had strong flavor.

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When we are talking about migraine cure and treatment, we are actually asking about how to stop the pain.

New migraine test

There is no question about that this migraine treatment is working great. The question is whether it’s lasting after so many years of using it, or is it still recurring when the treatment is stopped. There is no cure exist for migraines as of yet, only treatments such as this. But while most of them don’t work, this seems to be working just fine.

Migraine and Medicine Headache

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The result was overdosing, leading to medicine headache on top of our migraines. We traded the single migraine headache for a double headache. That let us forget our migraines because now we concentrated on our medicine headache as that one made us more nauseous and made us fell like dying.

Migraine Prevention

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How to prevent something we don’t even know the cause of?