The holiday migraines are on the way

Since I was able to stop my migraines I am a new person. I am looking forward to events and activities and holidays. I still shudder of the memories of my bad bad headaches that was exacerbated by the oncoming of the holidays. Shopping malls, crowd, stores, selecting the presents, pressure and stress, anxiety.

Of course all you migraine sufferers know all about these. I don’t have to divulge into it. Having relatives over or going to relatives for dinner, knowing I am not going to be able to relax, but have to converse and participate. Sitting at the crowded table, be careful so my elbow don’t bump into the others next to me. Waiting for the end so I can go and lay down and forget about the rest of the world celebrating.

Yeah, that was my life. Now it’s different. I am looking forward to these events. I am the one who prepares and even cooks the food. Talking and laughing and sorry to see it all end.

I feel sorry for all those people suffering from this terrible illness. Poping one worthless pill after another agonizing,  getting medicine headache from over using those worthless pills.

I am into my 6th day of my newest migraine test (the 3rd in 3 years) and I am eating dark chocolate as I write. I had some yesterday and the day before too. I love that stuff. All I can say is the treatment seems to work just fine. The day before yesterday I’ve had a mild headache that lasted for the whole day but woke up without one the next morning.

Today I have no headache but I can feel something lingering and I am looking forward to see if I am gonna have one tomorrow or not.

I am not worried because I know this treatment will stop it just a day or two after I am going to start it again. It has done it after the last two tests. This third test is more for curiosity than for proving it. It has been proved it’s working for me.

For those that want to stop or at least reduce the occurrence of their migraines there is still time to try this wonderful migraine treatment

How to kill migraines?

“Doctor’s Opinion on Migraine Relief

“Killing a migraine in the first five minutes is key to relief,”

What a load of crap!

I’ve found this on one of the migraine sites that supposed to be a good site for migraine information. “But yet it’s just another of those vague definition, let’s say something of migraines, site”

We all know that killing the migraine is just about impossible and especially in the first five minutes. Once it starts, it will come and the first five minutes is way-way-way to late for stopping it.

You have to catch it before it starts in order to kill it. How to do that? by prevention of course.

Prevention is the only sure fire way of stopping the headache from developing. If you don’t think this is the most important you never be able to get out of it.

The treatment this site offers have stopped the pain for all of it’s users in an average of 3 months after starting it. While that result might seem long to some people, those who took action are able to enjoy their life to the fullest now.

We know there are a miriad of triggers and just about anything can trigger migraines. But which one is the trigger for me? is the question. Don’t know!

None of us know for sure what triggers it for us.
So you have to attack all of the triggers. How to do that? Try neutralizing all of them. How?
All migraine sufferers fits into one or more of these categories.


Change the lifestyle; no parties, no drinking, no smoking, no stress, no rushing, no agravation, no tiredness, no sleeplesness, no going hungry or no eating too much, no spicy food, no greasy food, no blend food, no crowd, no noise, etc, etc. Try to get rid of these

Are you healthy otherwise; Do you have health problems and what are they? Can they contribute to migraines?

What habits do you have; do you smoke, do you drink alcohol, do you drink enough water, do you get enough sleep, do you stress, etc.

Doctors aren’t going to be able to help with your migraines. They don’t know what to do either.

You need the one thing that can neutralize these above conditions. There seems to be a simple solution that so far was able to neutralize al these for those sufferers that adminnisters it daily. The benefit is immense because they can now lead their life without the fear of migraines.

What is a migraine ?

I would classify it as a pain in the butt and not just in the head. Why? Because it’s annoying. Annoying because we can’t defend ourself against it. Being as intelligent as we are and knowing as much as we do, yet a small little thing like migraine can incapacitate an otherwise perfectly normal person. I’t s like when someone is dying, say of old age and their body is giving up, but their mind is as sharp as a razor. Terrible.

I am fine now since I am on this treatment. I had not had a migraine headache for three years now and I can tell it makes a major difference in my life. I mean here I am almost ten in the evening and I am on this blog and I am not even worried about tomorrow morning like I used to. I had been busy today and really hungry and was walking all day out on the sun and among a crowd of people and I am not worried at all. I know I am not going to have the migraine. I am taking my treatment every day.

There was a time I didnt’ take it for a week and the migraines was trying to come back, but as soon as I took my treatment, never developed into one. I am faithful to it and it’s faithful to me. Does it’s job and that’s all I care. No side effects whatsoever.

I was thinking of the many people who still using the same conventional treatments of pain killers and suffers and sighs and wishes and tail in between the legs go to bed hoping tomorrow will be better. Why?

Why not just get this same stuff I am on and forget it. Are they masochists? Must be.

I was going through some forums this evening just to keep up with the Joneses and was pretty surprised reading some of the comments and articles. The articles usually repeat the same thing. Some generalized advice and no more and the comments are true suffering. Suffering of the sufferers, repeating to each other what is not working for them. People like to stay in their comfort zone, thus preventing them to look to other directions.

There is a cure for migraines.

To suffer, or not to suffer?

Funny how people of permanent conditions like migraine headaches rather suffer, than get something that would stop their pain and suffering. I mean here is what I think probably the best migraine headache relief and treatment is on the net today and most people would just browse the site and leave without a purchase.

The ones that seriously hates their  migraine buys  and solve their migraine problem, but the rest will rather suffer and spend their money on aspirin, knowing it’s not going to do anything this time either.  Must be the psychological thing with them.  -Anything new, can’t really be good-. So why is that most just simply don’t buy it?  Don’t we all spent our money in the drugstore for useless “migraine drugs” in the past? I know I did, for over forty years I had suffered almost daily migraines until I came upon this treatment.

I understand people from countries like India or other poor regions, but I just can’t understand people from countries where a little money would be no object at all.  Based upon the number of visitors the site gets which amounts to about 5000 per month the percentages are not working out.

What are the percentages? Market research shows that a site that have something for sale have about a 1-2 percent conversion rate. I don’t think this applies to Migraine Headache Sufferers tho. Those percentages are lover.

Are there too many scams out there? Might be, but not everything is a scam on the net. Infact most of the products sold are not scams at all. I think, to comprehend something like a migraine stopper is so hard to believe, that people don’t trust sites that promotes anything like it. They don’t believe anything like could exist.

They have tried every other relaxation and aroma therapy and none helped. Tried every type of massage, including foot and head massages and none helped. Tried all the, over the counter pain killers and some subscription medicine and none had helped stopping their migraines. They all provided them with temporary relief, or a feel good relief while it was performed, but the migraine had returned.

Of course it had returned. There is no cure for migraines only treatments, or prevention.  most so called treatments, give only temporary relief, (like some of the above mentioned), while most of the successful prevention techniques work with elimination. Elimination of food or activities!  These latter ones are more effective at treating migraine headaches. Why? Because many -many food products or activities are migraine triggers.

The solution this site is offering does not rely on food or activity elimination. One can eat and do anything they want and the migraine stays away.

I know it’s hard to believe, but that’s the truth.

Another migraine free month

Well, time have been passing and not a sign of migraine headaches. The treatment works extremely well for me and the others who have been taking it. The remarkable thing is that we can eat anything and the migraine not coming on. No matter what the food is or what time of day, whether I have the first byte in the afternoon or early in the morning, no headache. Other people are reporting similar results.

I can eat the spiciest food, eat dark chocolate by the pound, or not eat all day. Noise, traffic, sun, smells etc. can’t bring it on either.

Unlike other treatments out there that relies on food or activity elimination, this treatment allows one to eat and do anything they want to and stops the migraines from developing.  Amazing discovery if we are to look at what can trigger migraine headaches.  Food triggers or other triggers!

Activity migraine triggers are like: driving, parties, running, being out on the sun, etc. There are triggers we can’t control at all and those are like: noise, traffic, smells, sun shining in the eyes, sudden movements, thinking of migraine headaches, etc.

This treatment somehow suppresses all these migraine triggers and somehow not allowing them to be recognized by the brain. I guess partly because the mood gets elevated.  I mean I’ve noticed since I am taking this treatment my mood is happy and more positive. I am not sure if the treatment is the one causing it or else the lack of migraines are causing it, but I seem to be always in a good mood. Other people are reporting similar affects.

Of course there are skeptics who can only say negatives of anything new, or of anything they can’t  understand, but weren’t there skeptics when Edison was experimenting with the light bulb? Of course there were. The trouble with these kind of people is, that they spread their negative views for the reason of hurting others. How many people have really great ideas or discoveries only to be suffocated by these negative individuals? My point is, not to let yourself influenced by others if you think something is good and will benefit you.

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