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Just migraine

Treat Migraine Cure Pain

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So, why don’t I have migraine headaches anymore? Because I took action and steered off of the beaten path everyone else is using. Going to the store and buy the same old same old.

To suffer, or not to suffer?

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These latter ones are more effective at treating migraine headaches. Why? Because many -many food products or activities are migraine triggers.

Migraine treatment test

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I love spring onions and chocolate and cheese. Aged cheese and cream cheese and all kinds of cheeses. I used to get migraines from eating spring onions.

Another migraine free month

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Activity migraine triggers are like: driving, parties, running, being out on the sun, etc. There are triggers we can’t control at all and those are like: noise, traffic, smells, sun shining in the eyes, sudden movements, thinking of migraine headaches, etc.


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That first sign of -I might be getting a headache- is the sign of doom!
Usually occurs sort of like around one of the eyes or sort of like on the same side of the forehead. Pain killers don’t help. Once you notice that slight pain, the migraine will come on.