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Migraine prevention

Nothing is curing my migraine

In reference to the search term “nothing is curing my migraine”, all I can say is, I was thinking the same thing until I stumbled upon this real migraine treatment. Not the junk I used to spend at least a $100-$150 per month or more. The so called migraine medications.

Migraine Prevention

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How to prevent something we don’t even know the cause of?

Holiday migraines

As soon as started to look for the prevention of my migraines I started to look at the pain diffrently. Sort of like a scientist would look for a solution to something. Than one day, I’ve noticed I have fewer migraines and the rest is history.

Migraine prevention. The truth and the facts?

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f we are looking at a so called “heat map” that marks the regions where most migraine sufferers live we would find that most of them are located in the far east countries of India, China, Indonesia, Philippines, the Arab countries and countries where the food is