Migraine prevention Archives

Nothing is curing my migraine

In reference to the search term “nothing is curing my migraine”, all I can say is, I was thinking the same thing until I stumbled upon this real migraine treatment. Not the junk I used to spend at least a $100-$150  per month or more. The so called migraine medications.

They were junk and still is as far as I am considered. They had done nothing for me except giving me false hopes, medicine headaches on top of my migraines and took my money day after day. (Literally).

With my chronic daily migraines you can imagine how much money I’ve spent on all these worthless concoctions.

But now I am a happy camper. I don’t have any migraines as long as I am taking this treatment every day.

A friend of mine was visiting me last week from another country and he is telling me his wife had ran out of this treatment and to make sure he gets her some more because she is getting her headaches back.

This is available in any country in the world, but where they are from people don’t earn a lot of money and they rather suffer until they get whatever they need cheaper. I know it’s sounds weird but it is the truth. A bottle of this treatment cost  2 days wages where they are from. Over here it cost an hour s wage.

He is a truck driver so he travels quite frequently and he can get it for her cheaper.

Anyway. This had helped her function normally. She is an elementary school teacher and with the kids and noise and the daily activities she has to do with the kids is just overpowering when one has migraine headache that just don’t want to go away.

I know many of you are suffering from migraines out there. I am sure you guys had tried everything and anything of the usual junk migraine meds category.  So here is my advice. Why not give this a try? I mean you are going to spend a $100 dollars this month on those useless junks anyway. You know it’s not going to work. Why not give this a shot. It’s a helluva lot cheaper and a lot more powerful.

All natural and works. True, not everybody was able to stop their migraines, but even those who had not, was able to reduce the frequency and intensity by at least 50% or more. So does it worth it?

To me and for those that had a 100% success I would say yes. To those that only had a 50% success…?  What do you think?  Would it be worth for you to give it  chance?

Think about it.

Migraine Prevention

Migraine Prevention

As we know migraine headaches are really a debilitating illness.

Why is it an illness?  Because it is so intense that the bearer can’t concentrate on anything else but the pain. It effects the thinking, the reflexes, the mood, the appetite also effects the overall well being and can last for days.

What is the best method for stopping migraines?

The very best and the only working solution of stopping migraine

headaches is prevention!

There is no other known cure.

How to prevent something we don’t even know the cause of?

Migraine can be triggered by many things. What ever we can think of is able to trigger the headache. So the only thing we can do is to use a general approach to the cause. The most important method of that approach goes back to our diet.
[ad#Google Adsense]The body is a very very fine mechanism, with many tiny little parts working in unison ableing us to function. If this balance is upset somehow, the parts aren’t fitting perfectly and the body is starting to act out of the ordinary.
This might sounds to you as a bunch of mumbo-jumbo but it’s the truth. All pharmaceutical products are telling us to fight the pain, (because it is big business) although the pain is the result of the imbalance of conditions.
So the answer should be obvious, right? Than why don’t we fight the cause instead of the pain? Because the pain is easier to sense. We can feel it, we can react to it immediately.
We can’t feel the cause, because it happens in the back ground and we don’t even know until we have the result of that happening.

So if you think about it logically, trying to find the answer, what would you need to do in order to prevent your migraines? I am sure you start with eating right, get more sleep, stop unnecessarily hyping things up, what else, ……….?

You might find the answer, but the answer is not that simple. The reason is because we are all different. Different habits, diets, tolerance, built, different immunism of our body.
There might be a genetic reason, might not. No one knows it for sure and at this stage is only speculation, just like everything else. Chromosome 8 might be the one that acts as a mechanism for the trigger, but what causing chromosome 8 to trigger? Again go back to the basics because the basics never change. What causing it? Diet? Behavior? Stress? Chromosome 8?

Migraine Prevention

We don’t know, but I have a suspicion chromosome 8 isn’t the answer. Just like the whole in the heart theory a few years ago went out the window.
There are however some general prevention methods sufferers use. Most of them are temporary, some don’t do anything at all and there are a few that works longer. Which one to use? The choice is obvious. The one that works longer.

“14th century English logician William of Ockham. Occam’s razor as it is commonly referred to states that “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity” which in pop culture terms has been interpreted as meaning ‘the simplest solution is most often the best.’ “

Read more about long term migraine prevention

Holiday migraines

The holiday season is approaching and migraine sufferers around the world thinking about survival techniques. What to do when the family is coming over for dinner or the kids have a holiday play in school and I am going to have a migraine.

Well….. Stop eating foods that triggers the headache. Or stop all stressful activities, including stress on the digestive system that triggers much of the migraines anyway. Stop thinking about it and just deal with it when it comes. Ignore it.

Forget about “the whole in the heart” theory. It’s just that, a theory.
No salvation of talking about how bad your migraines are and what and what not helped a bit, last time you’ve used or did something.
Small victory over a big problem.

Why not go for the kill and get rid of it? Migraine relief is easy. The key to it is prevention.

All in my life I did what all of the migraine sufferers do! Fighting the pain, until I have discovered prevention. From that on I had no more migraines and I am eating and doing the same as I did before, the only difference is, the lack of pain.

As soon as I started to look for the prevention of my migraines I looked at the pain diffrently. Sort of like a scientist would look for a solution to something. Than one day, I’ve noticed I have fewer migraines and the rest is history.

Something unexpected happened tho. I can eat and do anything I want and no migraine. But not just me, but some of the people that kept in touch after purchasing it said the same.

Migraine prevention. The truth and the facts?

I was looking for migraine prevention information on the web just now and Guess what I’ve found? 0 = nothing.

The same old stuff everyone is talking about. Nothing useful, only repeated junk. Nobody has a clue as of what causing migraines or else not talking about it, because it’s much easier to copy and paste and edit the same information found on internet sites than to write something new. As a result, all those who are looking for information see the same everywhere.

As a former migraine sufferer myself (40+ years) I would like to mention, I can eat and do anything I want without getting migraines as long as I am taking my daily treatment.
I also would like to to talk about the first primary reason why people get migraine headaches.

If we are looking at a so called “heat map” that marks the regions where most migraine sufferers live we would find that most of them are located in the far east countries of India, China, Indonesia, Philippines, the Arab countries and countries where the food is cooked with many spices

and that is the first primary reason. Why? Because spicy food is a primary trigger for migraines. People in those countries mixing many different spices in their diet for taste and color and smell. Not uncommon to find 20 or more different spices in their food. Starting with onion and tea, which are some of the culprits.

Spices are natural ingredients and until we know exactly what elements they contain individually and what reaction they have with each other when used or cooked together (just like medication when mixed) until than, we won’t know why do they cause migraines.

To top it off, in most of those countries fried food is the primary diet. Frying meat and spices cause yet a different reaction with each other.
People would be able to cut their migraine headaches in half if they would just avoid some of those spices and stop frying them. But which ones?

Other triggers are caused by the fact that many of those people are poor and don’t have enough to eat and go hungry. Hunger is another culprit of migraines.
So is the location of those countries. Why? Because of the heat of the sun. Hot temperatures are also the cause of migraines, along with high humidity especially if the two of them are combined.

Not because we don’t like warm, but because it is uncomfortable. The shirt is sticking to one’s back, sweaty armpits, sweaty head and eyebrows, knowing there is no relief from the heat in sight. Knowing the heat and sweat will continue tomorrow, can’t sleep at night because of the heat and humidity, mosquitoes, bugs, lack of jobs, lack of food, lack of money, stress, depression, and the list can go on.

With these later ones the psychological effect is the cause of migraines.
So as we see those people don’t have a chance of using conventional methods of any kind of treatment unless they give up some of their tradition, food, spices and lifestyles.

I know it’s hard to give any of those up, because they born into it, grow up with them and it’s their tradition. So what alternatives do they have?
(Having no money, being isolated because of the lack of money to buy a computer for researching information worldwide or to travel or lack of money even for doctors that might be able to help them). Not much!

Going by what the others tell them. “lay down, go to sleep, drink more water, take it easy” etc. Of course they can’t do any of those because they have to be out there chasing money so they can buy food for their kids and to pay for their living expenses. Beside the psychological and all other triggers, a physical trigger is also punishing them.

Many of these triggers are applicable to sufferers in other parts of the world. Much more could be added to the list of triggers, like smells, lack of sleep, stress, tiredness, nervousness, the position of the head at night on the pillow, fast moving objects in traffic or on the street, crowd, noise, light, glare, fear of the unknown, anticipation, meeting strangers, talking to strangers, alcohol, smoking, smoke, indecisiveness,
procrastination, low performance, embarrassment, etc, etc.

So in the end, migraines can be triggered by physical as well as psychological events.

The prevention will depend on the individual and what can they afford. There are treatments and there are treatments out there. Some works and some not. Everyones reaction to treatment is different. We know that none of the pain killers are able to stop migraines once they develop. (perhaps some class A drugs like morphine or similar) . We know that aroma therapy, massage, etc. not working either. The much touted feverfew, butterbur and botox are not working.

There are other natural elements that can stop migraines from developing. These elements prevent migraines from starting thus they are the perfect treatment. We all looking for the treatment of the pain instead of looking for the prevention, which is the key to fight migraine headaches. The pain develops because something started it. Find what starts it and voile, no more migraines. Or if can’t find what starts it, or like the food and lifestyle too much, find what neutralize the ingredients and voile, no more migraines.