Does your child
suffering from migraine headaches?
headache and children
Does he or she complain of severe head
pains? It is important to check your child's condition instead
of dismissing it as an excuse for attention or not attending
For example, in younger children, a migraine attack is
often accompanied by nausea, visual disturbance, and apparent
abdominal disturbances/pain, which is both difficult to
diagnose and mostly misleading.
It is important to know if your child is suffering
from migraines as they can cause emotional
changes such as anxiety.
depression. About 65-80% of children with
migraines interrupt their normal activities because of their
headaches. In one study of 970,000 self-reported migraineurs
aged 6-18 years, 329,000 school days were lost per month.
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of migraines can greatly
improve quality of life.
Migraines can inflict a child as
young as 5 years old. In fact, approximately 20% of all
migraine sufferers have their first attack before that age.
Studies suggest that migraine
headaches occur in 5-10% of school-aged children
in the United States, a percentage that increases and finally
peaks at about age 44 years.
It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis yourself as
children in their very young ages won't have the vocabulary to
express what they are feeling at that time. As a matter of
fact, only a specialist in treating migraine headaches could
read the symptoms in the correct
perspective, in the first place itself, and it is to such
people that child migraine cases must be
referred to while seeking medical help.
So, how to find out if a child is having a migraine episode?
As a rule of thumb, children with migraine appear pale and ill.
At the onset of the attack, they might show restlessness,
change in behavior, or try to withdraw from contact with
others. Showing over sensitiveness to smell, light and sound is
also a clear symptom of an approaching migraine episode. But,
as mentioned earlier, children may not be able to convey their
sufferings exactly to their parents, and hence it is the duty
of parents and teachers to read the obvious migraine signals
and provide them the necessary care and medical attention.
This migraine treatment is safe for children as well.
The migraine
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