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The end of migraine test

On Saturday I woke up with a headache and regardless of taking 2 Paracetamol pain killers in the morning I had to go to sleep around mid day. I awoke about 4 hours later and still had my headache so I took another 2 tablets of Paracetamol pain killer and by the evening my headache has stopped.

New migraine test

There is no question about that this migraine treatment is working great. The question is whether it’s lasting after so many years of using it, or is it still recurring when the treatment is stopped. There is no cure exist for migraines as of yet, only treatments such as this. But while most of them don’t work, this seems to be working just fine.

Migraine prevention. The truth and the facts?

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f we are looking at a so called “heat map” that marks the regions where most migraine sufferers live we would find that most of them are located in the far east countries of India, China, Indonesia, Philippines, the Arab countries and countries where the food is