Nothing is curing my migraine

In reference to the search term “nothing is curing my migraine”, all I can say is, I was thinking the same thing until I stumbled upon this real migraine treatment. Not the junk I used to spend at least a $100-$150  per month or more. The so called migraine medications.

They were junk and still is as far as I am considered. They had done nothing for me except giving me false hopes, medicine headaches on top of my migraines and took my money day after day. (Literally).

With my chronic daily migraines you can imagine how much money I’ve spent on all these worthless concoctions.

But now I am a happy camper. I don’t have any migraines as long as I am taking this treatment every day.

A friend of mine was visiting me last week from another country and he is telling me his wife had ran out of this treatment and to make sure he gets her some more because she is getting her headaches back.

This is available in any country in the world, but where they are from people don’t earn a lot of money and they rather suffer until they get whatever they need cheaper. I know it’s sounds weird but it is the truth. A bottle of this treatment cost  2 days wages where they are from. Over here it cost an hour s wage.

He is a truck driver so he travels quite frequently and he can get it for her cheaper.

Anyway. This had helped her function normally. She is an elementary school teacher and with the kids and noise and the daily activities she has to do with the kids is just overpowering when one has migraine headache that just don’t want to go away.

I know many of you are suffering from migraines out there. I am sure you guys had tried everything and anything of the usual junk migraine meds category.  So here is my advice. Why not give this a try? I mean you are going to spend a $100 dollars this month on those useless junks anyway. You know it’s not going to work. Why not give this a shot. It’s a helluva lot cheaper and a lot more powerful.

All natural and works. True, not everybody was able to stop their migraines, but even those who had not, was able to reduce the frequency and intensity by at least 50% or more. So does it worth it?

To me and for those that had a 100% success I would say yes. To those that only had a 50% success…?  What do you think?  Would it be worth for you to give it  chance?

Think about it.

New migraine test

Today I am starting a new migraine test.

During the past three years since I have been using this daily migraine treatment I had not had a single migraine headache.  During this time I had tested it twice to see the effectiveness of it and both times the headaches returned after a week or a week and a half later, but as soon as I started the treatment back again the headaches stopped.

Today is the first day of the third test and I am not going to take it for 2 weeks. In two weeks time I am going to write an article about the test result.

I used to be a chronic migraine sufferer, having the headaches 4 sometimes 5 continuous days per week. My life was on the edge of misery since my childhood with my daily migraines. I had learned to live with it, but had I not been self employed during all these years I am not sure how different my life would have turned out.

Migraine is such a serious illness that many people loose their jobs because of it. One needs a very understanding boss and company in order to keep it. Self employment is pretty much the only sure way  to live a sort of normal life as a migraine sufferer.

Since when I started using this daily treatment my life has completely changed. After starting it, it took about two months for noticing the result of having less headaches. After about another two months I had no more headaches. This might be different with others because some users had reported the headaches stopping after two months and for some took as long as 5 months.

During these (in between) months the headaches were reduced by a considerable amount even if they didn’t completely disappear until than.

There is no question about this migraine treatment is working great. The question is whether it’s lasting after so many years of using it, or is it still recurring when the treatment is stopped.  There is no cure exist for migraines as of yet, only treatments such as this. But while most of them don’t work, this seems to be working just fine.

During these past three years I have not noticed any negative side effects. Since the ingredients are all natural I am not sure if they have any side effects. What ever I’ve read about them none of them mentioned any. Some people might be allergic but if you consult your doctor before starting I am sure they can tell you what to do and most people would know of their own allergic conditions anyway. These don’t contain any feverfew or butterbur.

I am very happy with this migraine relief and if you hang around for a couple of weeks, you can read about the outcome of this test.  Cheers

Migraine and Medicine Headache

Most migraine sufferers overdose on pain killers in the hope of stopping the throbbing pain.

As we sufferers all know the pain killer medicines that are sold for migraines, are not capable of stopping the pain. So than why are we spending zillions of dollars every year to buy them? The answer to that is easy. “hope dies last”.

There you have it. We all hope this time it will work. The influence of the advertisements we see, the labels on the bottles, all say “try this, this will stop it”. Of course this is nothing but another painkiller ad re-worded and advertised as migraine medicine.

We all tried Excedrin millions of times and did not help. Than came the same pill renamed “migraine Excedrin” we tried that and did not work. Than came different migra- “whatever” pills and we tried those and did not work, but they did something else. They gave us medicine headache. Why? Because we all took too many, thinking – the advertisements and the labels all promise this will stop my migraines I must be the one doing something wrong, I am gonna take another one-, yet the pills just simply didn’t work.

The result was overdosing, leading to medicine headache on top of our migraines. We traded the single migraine headache for a double headache. That let us forget our migraines because now we concentrated on our medicine headache as that one made us more nauseous and made us fell like dying.

So we all concentrated on our medicine headache and was trying to figure out how to get rid of it. The answer? Take a pain killer. Right?
Yep, and we sure did. Until we fell asleep waking up a few ours later appreciating our regular common migraine headache that’ll end in a couple of days anyway and than we  started to wonder about migraine relief.

Migraine Prevention

Migraine Prevention

As we know migraine headaches are really a debilitating illness.

Why is it an illness?  Because it is so intense that the bearer can’t concentrate on anything else but the pain. It effects the thinking, the reflexes, the mood, the appetite also effects the overall well being and can last for days.

What is the best method for stopping migraines?

The very best and the only working solution of stopping migraine

headaches is prevention!

There is no other known cure.

How to prevent something we don’t even know the cause of?

Migraine can be triggered by many things. What ever we can think of is able to trigger the headache. So the only thing we can do is to use a general approach to the cause. The most important method of that approach goes back to our diet.
[ad#Google Adsense]The body is a very very fine mechanism, with many tiny little parts working in unison ableing us to function. If this balance is upset somehow, the parts aren’t fitting perfectly and the body is starting to act out of the ordinary.
This might sounds to you as a bunch of mumbo-jumbo but it’s the truth. All pharmaceutical products are telling us to fight the pain, (because it is big business) although the pain is the result of the imbalance of conditions.
So the answer should be obvious, right? Than why don’t we fight the cause instead of the pain? Because the pain is easier to sense. We can feel it, we can react to it immediately.
We can’t feel the cause, because it happens in the back ground and we don’t even know until we have the result of that happening.

So if you think about it logically, trying to find the answer, what would you need to do in order to prevent your migraines? I am sure you start with eating right, get more sleep, stop unnecessarily hyping things up, what else, ……….?

You might find the answer, but the answer is not that simple. The reason is because we are all different. Different habits, diets, tolerance, built, different immunism of our body.
There might be a genetic reason, might not. No one knows it for sure and at this stage is only speculation, just like everything else. Chromosome 8 might be the one that acts as a mechanism for the trigger, but what causing chromosome 8 to trigger? Again go back to the basics because the basics never change. What causing it? Diet? Behavior? Stress? Chromosome 8?

Migraine Prevention

We don’t know, but I have a suspicion chromosome 8 isn’t the answer. Just like the whole in the heart theory a few years ago went out the window.
There are however some general prevention methods sufferers use. Most of them are temporary, some don’t do anything at all and there are a few that works longer. Which one to use? The choice is obvious. The one that works longer.

“14th century English logician William of Ockham. Occam’s razor as it is commonly referred to states that “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity” which in pop culture terms has been interpreted as meaning ‘the simplest solution is most often the best.’ “

Read more about long term migraine prevention

Aspirin for Migraine Headaches?

“Aspirin Effective For Migraine Relief, Study
published on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 03:00:00 PDT
A single dose of 900-1000 mg aspirin can substantially reduce migraine headache pain within two hours, for more than half of people who take it. It also reduces any associated nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound (photophobia or phonophobia)…”

How much is substantial reduction and for how long? But not stopping the migraines and the headache will return. Of course it gives some relief, like almost any pain killer will. But the task is to stop migraine headaches. A simple massage will give relief from the pain while it is administered. It’s a well known fact that if we migraine sufferers take too much pain medication than medicine headache develops. Many migraine sufferers making this mistake. Thinking the more pain killer they take the more likely the migraine will stop.

Not so! “What sufferers want is for the pain to go away completely and quickly, and not return – though for many the headache does return within 24 hours of the first attack. ”

This is exactly what we want, but to no avail. The treatment at do almost exactly that but not quickly. The migraine don’t return as long as the treatment is taken daily. Satisfactory?? I think so. We have to accept the facts that there is no cure for it and we don’t know what causing it, but why live with the pain if we don’t have to.

Aspirin might give some relief but might be more psychological and the pain will return. Dread!

Treating migraine headaches

The migraine treatment at works great. It was discovered by chance almost 3 years ago. The 8 ingredients it combines, are very-very powerful migraine stoppers. They occur naturally in many plants and one might even be using some of them when they are cooking, or in other ways, but all of them combined and the right amount that makes it work.

The site gets many visitors from the far east of India and China and the Indonesian Islands. The foods in those regions are known to be very spicy and as we know, spices are a no no when one is suffering from migraines.  I know it’s hard to give up those yummy spices but might help those people.

With this treatment all spices can be eaten and as much as one likes. No limit to the foods you can eat, or the drinks you can drink. Chocolate, coffee, cheese, alcohol,  none of them triggers the headache with this treatment.  As a metter of fact I had not found any food or spice as of yet, since I am taking this treatment, that can trigger the migraines.

I could not find anything since I am taking them, that would trigger migraines.  Noise, light, hunger, nervousness, anxiety, etc. don’t trigger it anymore. I can drive with the sun shining into my eyes, the radio blasting and millions of cars around me in an unknown city and I am not getting migraines.  As long as I am taking the treatment daily.

There have been occasions during these past three years when I ran out of the treatment and each time, after just a week of not taking them I could feel the telltale signs of the migrane headache as it was trying to come back. So I went out to the store and bought some more. This is available in any country in the world for cheap.  Why don’t they sell it in the pharmacy??? They do sell it there too.

Have to be taken daily but that’s nothing compare to the headaches one gets.

When I had my migraines 4-5 days per week I’ve  had a hard time dealing with them. No matter what I did the migraine never failed to come. I’ve had 2 or 3 days break and than Bammmm, just like clockwork the headache would start for no reason at all. I’ve missed a lot of my children growing up because of it. Missed many school plays and activities with them. Parties and trips. So I know how debilitating a migraine headaches can be.