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migraine headache

What to eat when having a migraine

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When I was having a migraine attack I always craved salty or sweet foods. I just had to have food with taste in it. Not really spicy but someting that had strong flavor.

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When we are talking about migraine cure and treatment, we are actually asking about how to stop the pain.

What is a migraine ?

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I had been busy today and really hungry and was walking all day out on the sun and among a crowd of people and I am not worried at all. I know I am not going to have the migraine. I am taking my treatment every day.

Migraine treatment test

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I love spring onions and chocolate and cheese. Aged cheese and cream cheese and all kinds of cheeses. I used to get migraines from eating spring onions.


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That first sign of -I might be getting a headache- is the sign of doom!
Usually occurs sort of like around one of the eyes or sort of like on the same side of the forehead. Pain killers don’t help. Once you notice that slight pain, the migraine will come on.