“Doctor’s Opinion on Migraine Relief

“Killing a migraine in the first five minutes is key to relief,”

What a load of crap!

I’ve found this on one of the migraine sites that supposed to be a good site for migraine information. “But yet it’s just another of those vague definition, let’s say something of migraines, site”

We all know that killing the migraine is just about impossible and especially in the first five minutes. Once it starts, it will come and the first five minutes is way-way-way to late for stopping it.

You have to catch it before it starts in order to kill it. How to do that? by prevention of course.

Prevention is the only sure fire way of stopping the headache from developing. If you don’t think this is the most important you never be able to get out of it.

The treatment this site offers have stopped the pain for all of it’s users in an average of 3 months after starting it. While that result might seem long to some people, those who took action are able to enjoy their life to the fullest now.

We know there are a miriad of triggers and just about anything can trigger migraines. But which one is the trigger for me? is the question. Don’t know!

None of us know for sure what triggers it for us.
So you have to attack all of the triggers. How to do that? Try neutralizing all of them. How?
All migraine sufferers fits into one or more of these categories.


Change the lifestyle; no parties, no drinking, no smoking, no stress, no rushing, no agravation, no tiredness, no sleeplesness, no going hungry or no eating too much, no spicy food, no greasy food, no blend food, no crowd, no noise, etc, etc. Try to get rid of these

Are you healthy otherwise; Do you have health problems and what are they? Can they contribute to migraines?

What habits do you have; do you smoke, do you drink alcohol, do you drink enough water, do you get enough sleep, do you stress, etc.

Doctors aren’t going to be able to help with your migraines. They don’t know what to do either.

You need the one thing that can neutralize these above conditions. There seems to be a simple solution that so far was able to neutralize al these for those sufferers that adminnisters it daily. The benefit is immense because they can now lead their life without the fear of migraines.